Hi, my name is Amira Asmodea and today I will teach you some easy spells of white magic for those who want that a special person thinks about her/him night and day. If it's the first time you've come to my website, I tell you that it's a very place to learn white magic and love spells, save the address in your browser, or pint it on Pinterest by clicking here:
Maybe you've already read my post on how to make a man dream of you. But let me tell you something: this spell is one of the most wanted, because feeling the need for that person we love to thinks of us and seeks us, tortures each of us, at least once in life. Finally, you get to know someone who attracts your attention, who seems to like you too. And then your everyday communications stops and he just disappears. Your loved one does not call you for a few days, does not respond to messages, and you have no idea what is going on.
Another thing that's important to know is that a spell to be missed will enhance your own memories. That will make you more aware but your attitude towards you may not be altered, at least at the beginning. If you're looking for a profound change in your partner's attitude, you may need other kinds of enchantment spells, and maybe a professional spellcaster intervention.
When the aim is for someone with whom you have ended the relationship to be remembered, the most appropriate is to perform a sweetening spell. This kind of love spell is a powerful spell to be missed, as long as you incorporate into the ritual an object that symbolizes the relationship that once occurred between you.
One way to focus your desires on something very concrete is to perform a spell to speak to me. It's a relatively simple ritual, without complex elements, but powerful. The aim of these rituals is to promote communication within the couple, leaving behind the discussions and opening the way for him to express to you what he feels.
When enhancing memory in an ex-boyfriend you must be patient, the changes will not come overnight. Keep in mind that memory enhances feelings, but until they're imposed, the behavior isn't altered. Spells to miss you can be the perfect tool for your ex-boyfriend to have a greater interest in you and end up looking for you. At first only as friends, but by opening that way of communication, you will be able to get the relationship further.
How to make someone think of you all the time?
Today we will see a series of white witchcraft spells to enter to the head of that special person who you want to attract, and do think only about you. These spells work really well for me and that is why I am sharing them here. This type of spell is better to do during the waxing moon. With the beams of the full moon, the spell will be powerful and effective.White magic to make him think about you
This spell seems to work well for the most who tested it. I've done this spell so often and my friends and followers also are one of those spells of love that just works.Spell: I command you to think about me
What you will need:- Red candle (if you don't have a red candle, use a white one)
- Cherry incense
- Image of the person (if you don't have a picture of the person, and you can't get one, write the person's name on a piece of white paper and looking at the paper imagine the person with intense concentration and clarity.
Light the incense and red candle. Lie down on the floor and imagine yourself entering on his mind. Imagine as he thinks of you. You are putting these thoughts in his head. If you are doing it correctly you will feel a tingling feeling in the head. This is your connection. Hold the image of the person, and say the following:
"Goddess of love enter in your field,
Your thoughts will be as I command you.
Everything you see, what you will do,
Only and always in your mind."
Place the picture of the person under the lighted red candle. Then think about the thoughts that you want to embed in his head, over and over again like a broken record. If you can do this until the candle burns completely, this is much better. It's possible that you wish to leave the candle next to your bed and continue meditating and visualizing until you fall asleep.
The person will not only think about you constantly, but he also dreams about you!
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Another spell of white magic to make him think about me
This spell to make someone think about you worked for me and many other people. You can realize when someone is already thinking about you. Don't be afraid to try it. Many of my first love spells worked for me so fast that, basically, they could not be just coincidences. I suggest to start slowly with small experiments, and if this spell to make someone think of you does not work at the beginning, you can continue browsing the blog in search of other simpler spells.Spell to make him think of you
Necessary elements- 1 Small mirror
- A picture of him or her
- Picture of you
- Belief in the power of magic and the powers within yourself
Take the mirror and, on the side where is your reflection, put the image of the person facing the mirror. On the other side, facing inward, position your photo and paste them with adhesive tape. Write these words on the back of your photo and hold the mirror close to your heart. Pronounce the words 3 times:
"With these words now I order,
That every time you see your reflection,
Think only about me.
It is my desire, and will be as well."
Keep the mirror in your purse or pocket, but take it with you wherever you go for 30 days. Surely you will see results before this, but it may take up to 30 days. Only believe.
When I tried for the first time this spell my love had gone, we had been separated for more than one year. 3 days after this spell he was at my door and the following month saw him every day... I couldn't believe that the spell actually works!
You can combine this spell with the Spell to make a man dream of you. Both spells can be used at the same time to improve the chances of success.
Watch this spell on youtube
Here concludes this article on white magic to make a person think about me. Maybe you are desperate because your love is gone, or you want a person you like very much to notice you, and you want he thinks of you, notice your presence, misses you or needs you. Here I have left you some effective love spells to achieve it, but if you cannot perform them or you are not sure, you can write to me at amiraasmodea@hotmail.com and we will get to work together on this. Click here if you want no know more about ordering a spell
If you want me to cast a spell for you, you can place an order HERE.
If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address amiraasmodea@hotmail.com. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram
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