Amulets: The ANKH:
ANKH or the ANSATA cross is the oldest amulet of Egypt. Hieroglyphic Ankh sign means life or eternal life. Respect, not only to the material world, but also, in a most important way to the life beyond, the second life, the life of the spirit.
The Ankh symbol combines the generative principles of man and woman in a single design. Loop or bend represents the female reproduction organs and what remains masculine.
This image is similar to the Christian cross; It only varies the upper part, which has an oval ring. The upper ring represents the entrance of the water that flooded the Nile Valley and produced fertility. It was one of the main attributes of the goddess Isis, who was who managed to bring back life to her husband and brother Osiris. Although, in reality, most of the gods, in his capacity as immortal, wore it.

It is the life with capital, which does not end with death, which awakens and continues. For this reason, applied to the front of the Pharaohs, so his vision of eternity prevailed throughout his term over any setback.
It as amulet, promotes longevity and wisdom who has lived many lives. Carry a talisman with the Ankh means to apply for fertility and abundance. But also one step further: go in pursuit of spirituality.
IEB or heart:
The gods this satisfied "(ieb-neteru-hotep)." For the ancient Egyptians, the heart was the place of thought, emotion, and life itself. The trial before Osiris, the heart was heavy as opposed to pen the justice and truth (ma´at); reciting the spells "oh, my heart. not remain as a witness against me. I do not cross before the judges. Not act against my before the gods. Don't be my enemy in the presence of the guardian of the balance Anubis. ", so the ieb amulet was of vital importance for the passage to the next level of existence." The ieb word appears on the concepts as a "good friend" (ak-ieb) translating as "one that you entered in the heart", "joy" (au-ieb), and religious expressions such as "the heart of the gods this satisfied"(ieb-neteru-hotep).
The amuletos-corazon are carnelian, red Jasper, red ceramic or colored paste. Both carnelian red Jasper symbolize the dynamism, the courage to confront the invisible enemies. They relate to the wrath of the gods defending their places, whose root must be heaven and not the animal passions. It is the exaltation, daughter of heaven.
The Tyet or Isis knot is an amulet symbolises the female regeneration; its reddish color alludes to "the blood of Isis". Since the woman gives life, their role in Egyptian magic was fundamental; being the main exponent the goddess Isis, "Lady of magic". Sometimes the tiet also personifies the Nut goddesses, Hathor and Nephthys, where the knot is a kind of dress, with the central part and the side parts forming a stylized headband. The Association of the tiet with feminine and the djed with the masculine were a way to express the dual nature of life, as well as being a symbolic representation of the gods Isis and Osiris, Horus Dios parents. The tyet sign is also used as insignia of office to Butler or "assignee" Palace (jerepah).
The knot of the goddess Isis, also known as the symbol of Tyet, was a stylized representation of the goddess genitals. Almost every woman wearing this amulet that will grant the wisdom of Isis and its knowledge. This amulet serves as a fertility charm. It was almost always made of Red stone and contained a green stone. It used to be positioned on the throat or chest.
The uraeus, or ureus, is a representation of the goddess Wadjet. The image of the uraeus was the preferred protective emblem of many Pharaohs, who were the only ones who could carry it as a distinctive attribute of royalty. Uraeus was the term used Horapolon, a student of the high Egypt, at the end of the 5th century b.c., in his treatise Hieroglyphica showing an ideographic interpretation of hieroglyphic writing, and since then the name was kept.
The uraeus had form of cobra and, sometimes, wore the Red of the lower Egypt Crown and the white of the high Egypt Crown. The goddess cobra Wadjet, used to appear next to the goddess Nekhbet Vulture, as representatives of upper and low Egypt.
Wadjet, originating in the Nile delta, it symbolized the lower Egypt, protective goddess of the Pharaoh, was a serpent that acted as a protection of gods and Pharaohs in the mythology of ancient Egypt and is attributed with the characteristic of being very powerful. It embodied the solar goddesses.
Nekhbet, depicted as a vulture, was a symbol of the high Egypt; this protective deity of the Pharaoh in births, the coronation, Jubilee festivities and in the battles.
One of the titles of the Pharaoh, the Nebty name contains the Uraeus. Also depicted on the top of many temples and part of Egyptian crowns, as headband holding the Nemes (headdress of the Pharaohs), and in jewellery or amulets of Pharaohs and gods.
Cobra and snake were symbols of resurrection and were associated with the solar myths of the journey of the Sun by the sky and the underworld, the Duat. He worshipped them mainly in Buto and dying they deposited in boxes of bronze or wood, engraved with reliefs of images of snakes, which sometimes had human head touched the double Crown with the uraeus.
Pilar Dyed, is a symbol that could represent the backbone of the God Osiris, a tree, a post made of bound sheaves of grain, etc. It is one of the most reproduced in the Egyptian mythology, although it is unknown the object that actually represents.
The dyed pillar might be an old fetish from prehistoric times, related agricultural rituals, that lasted in Egyptian iconography, being represented up to the period of Roman domination.
Of time Tinita known pillars Dyed, found in Helwan. Later, during the old Kingdom, it was recorded at the burial site of Pharaoh Djoser (Zoser) at Saqqara, the necropolis of Memphis, and seems to indicate that it was a symbol associated with other concepts, such as support of the sky; Alternatively, he could be assigned to other deities, such as Sokar and Ptah, as these gods of Memphis are represented carrying this symbol.
During the new Kingdom, the Papyrus of Ani, it is drawn next to the sign of life, Anj, with arms that carry a solar disc rising, accompanied, on both sides, his sister Neftis and his wife Isis, with several monkeys that salute and worship the Sun. Osiris is represented with Dyed form.
It is possible that when Osiris, Ptah and Sokar were associated, pillar became part of the symbolism of Osiris when his cult spread widely. The Dyed pillar is also located in represented in the uas of the gods Thoth and Khonsu sceptres.
"The erection of the Dyed pillar" was a famous ceremony of Memphis origin, possibly in honor of the God Ptah, who was subsequently associated with Osiris. By holding this ceremony has symbolized stability of the reign, the resurrection of Osiris, and the victory of this God on Seth. This ceremony was a way to renew, regenerate and revitalize the forces of Pharaoh periodically so that he could continue reign on the throne of Egypt. In addition, Heb Sed should be repeated during the party. You can be seen, among other places, in the Temple of SETI I at Abydos, the place of worship to Osiris.
The eye of Horus "the eye that sees it":
The eye of Horus, is one of the most famous of the ancient Egypt charms and today's Muslim world. As talisman symbolizes health, prosperity, the indestructibility of the body and the ability to be reborn. The wedjat, a partly human and partly of Hawk Eye, is the eye of Horus, God of heaven, and comes to mean "unit or fully restored". These amulets were useful not only disease but also against betrayal, spells and curses sent by enemies and evil eye.It was one of the most powerful amulets, especially protecting the incision practiced in the Mummy to extract his organs. Represented you to the eye, since for thousands of years, with a circle with a dot in the Center, the same symbol that represents the Sun and, therefore, represents the power of the eternal, unchanging over time.
The beetle as a charm:
The beetle was an amulet of life and power, the shape of dung beetle (Scarabaeus sacer Egyptian), which represented the rising sun, and was a symbol of the resurrection in Egyptian mythology. Life provided protection from evil, visible or invisible, giving daily strength and power. In death, who carried it gained the ability to resurrect and eternal life.The beetle was linked with the God Khepri, the form of Ra as a rising sun, and was the symbol of the constant transformation of the existence.
Several species of beetles baseball players, especially the Scarabaeus sacer, enjoyed a status that is sacred among the Egyptians.
Her hieroglyphic name transliterates into as xpr, and translates as "convert" or "transform". The derivative term xprw translates as "form", "transformation", "event", "mode of being" or "the auto-created", depending on the context. You can have existential, fictional or ontological meaning.
The beetle was associated with Khepri, the auto-created, the God associated with the rising sun. It was once thought that the beetle was only of male gender and that it reproduced by depositing semen into a ball of dung. The so-called self-reproduction of the beetle resembles Khepri, which was likewise created from nothing. On the other hand, the dung ball rolled by the dung beetle resembles the Sun. Plutarch wrote:
The Egyptians believed that Khepri renewed the Sun every day after his disappearance on the horizon, taking him through the underworld, Duat, after sunset to renew it again the next day. Some Royal Tombs of the new Kingdom exhibit a triple image of the God of the Sun, with the beetle as a symbol of the morning sun. The astronomical ceiling in the tomb of Ramsés VI tells the 'death' each night and the "rebirth" of the Sun as being swallowed by Nut, Goddess of the sky, and re-emerging of her womb as Khepri. The image of the beetle associated with ideas of transformation, renewal, and resurrection, is ubiquitous in ancient Egyptian funerary and religious art.
The beetles were carved in different materials: soapstone, basalt, granite and gemstones like lapis lazuli, Amethyst, Carnelian, and even metals like gold. Archaeological excavations in Egypt have brought to light images of beetles in bone, ivory, stone, Egyptian faience, and precious metals, dating from the sixth dynasty until the Roman period.
They are usually small and are pierced to allow to engage them on a necklace, and base carried a brief inscription or an Egyptian cartridge. They were generally used as amulets, and on her back brought figures or texts. Some had written the name of its owner and have been used as seals, widespread use in amphorae with wine, luxury merchandise. Pharaohs sometimes commissioned the manufacture of specimens with long inscriptions, as commemorating the wedding of Queen Tiy beetle. Large sculptures of beetles can be found in the temples of Thebes, at the Serapeum of Alexandria and elsewhere in Egypt.
The beetle had a great importance in the Egyptian funerary cult. It was usually carved in stone green and placed on the chest of the deceased, to protect the heart and replace him during mummification. The purpose of the "beetle of the heart" was sure that the heart is not testimoniaría against the deceased in the judgement of the dead. Another possibility is the suggested by the words of the transformation of the texts of sarcophagi, who claim that the soul of the deceased may transform (xpr) in a human, a God, or a bird and reappear in the world of the living.
Perhaps the most famous example of such "beetles of the heart" is a yellowish green color found among the provisions of the tomb of Tutankhamun, carved on a large piece of crystalline mineral of the Libyan desert.
Made mostly of glazed steatite, measuring between 4.7 and 11 cm, with a text at the bottom. They were used as seals in a representation of the King, his family, and some dignitaries, during the second intermediate period of Egypt (Hyksos). They are one of the main sources of information of the fourteenth and the fifteenth dynasty. They have been found, in addition to Egypt, Canaan, and Kush.
The beetle is still a popular item due to the interest and modern fascination towards the art and beliefs of ancient Egypt. Beetles in semi-precious stones or glazed ceramics can be purchased at most stores, while at the Temple of Karnak has had to be protected a former large beetle, Khepri representation, to discourage visitors to the superstitious practice in rubbing the base of the statue for luck; many are now limited to three laps around it.
The Scorpion as amulet:
EscorpionIt is carried as protection against bites or bites of insects and poisonous snakes. It is made usually in Malachite Green tourmaline, as a pendant or ring. It is associated with the signs of Virgo and Scorpio.Protection against envy betrayals, that which it does not affect you or realized in advance.
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