
Witchcraft to kill black magic

Hi, my name is Amira Asmodea and today we will learn how to use witchcraft to kill black magic.

Many people desire evil for other individuals, coming to desire death for others. Therefore, these bad energies are usually produced by envy. However, there are also powerful spells, which can undo black magic. That's why in this presentation we bring witchcraft to kill black magic. In addition, we will look at the different practices related to the topic. We will also explain the correct way to practice these spells.

1 Principles of Black Magic
2 Covenants with evil deities to use black magic
3 Witchcraft to kill dark curses
3.1 Preparation
4 Let the energies come to you!

Principles of black magic

This art leads us to various meanings, which relates it to darkness and evil. Therefore, black magic is the counterpart of light and positive energies. Because, since ancient times it has been practiced for very personal and selfish purposes. It is also listed as one of the most powerful forces in the realm of witchcraft. Since it has a strong connection with the forces of the underworld and all the negative energies of the earth.

Within the practices of black magic, there are thousands of ways to apply it, going from magical elements to prayers. Since, they make this art, one of the most versatile for its implementation. Likewise, there are stories that claim that through black magic, they have taken kings out of their posts, or in our day even presidents of nations.

Also, in the medieval era there were many practitioners of this art, who were feared by the armies of that time. That is why the practitioners of that time earned the title of being the sorcerers or sorcerers, the more powers until our times.
Undoubtedly, today people seek this magic for dark and ambitious purposes. Since they want to achieve all their purposes regardless of the damage that is presented.

Covenants with evil deities to use black magic

Certainly, in the world of evil magic, there are codes and certain restrictions that do not allow the implementation of certain evils. Of which, many practitioners or sorcerers have to follow a series of guidelines. With the main objective, to obtain the proper permission, of certain evil deities. In fact, they have gone so far as to make covenants with them, so that their spells may be powerful.
For this reason, many sorcerers give themselves in body and soul to evil deities for the rest of their lives. Only with such, to achieve the perfection of their dark magics, offering evil beings even human sacrifices.

Witchcraft to kill dark curses

There are many ways to combat black magic, through witchcraft to kill the curses. That is, fight black magic, with the same dark magic. That's why there are several powerful elements that help destroy witchcraft. Such as the five-pointed star or staff. Because, this symbol has been used on both parts, both in white magic and black magic.

With the staff you can do a spell to kill the black magic, very effectively. So pay attention to how you can use it:

The materials for this work are:
  • White cardboard.
  • Red marker.
  • 7 white candles.
  • A staff locket.


First, draw the staff star on the cardboard in a diameter, where you can enter or stand on it. Then place the cardboard on the floor and light the 7 white candles. Also, place them around the cardboard. Afterward, you must stand on the cardboard, with the staff medallion on your neck.

Also, remember that you must do this witchcraft to kill black magic in the middle of the night. Then, once everything is ready you should say the following sentence:

"I have power and authority inferred in me, to fight any entity and power, which is doing me wrong. Therefore, the force of darkness and the universe, I fight you with the same fire you are made of."

May the energies come to you!

Finally, by concluding, we must remember that witchcraft to kill black magic, has the same price of black magic. I mean, fight fire on fire. Also, remember that every spell has to be done with your mind cleared Equally, with your quiet soul.

Here concludes this article about Witchcraft to kill black magic, please continue reading my website or write to amiraasmodea@hotmail.com if you want me to cast a spell for you.

If you want me to cast a spell for you, you can place an order HERE.

If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address amiraasmodea@hotmail.com. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram

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About Me

Hi, I'm Amira Asmdodea. I was born in Brazil so many years ago. There I made my first steps in religion and witchcraft. I have learned Wicca in Ireland, Voodoo in Haiti, Gypsy Tarot in Bulgaria, and I have lived for a time in New York, where I had the opportunity to meet the greatest witches of these times. if you want to know more about me, click here to read my full biography. Welcome to my website and Blessings.

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Amira Asmodea