When sorcery attacks with evil intentions, it's necessary to know how to break a spell. In this article I will show you how to get rid of a spell that can harm you.
- 1 When a spell attacks
- 2 Essential guidelines for learning how to break a spell
- 3 How to break a spell with dolls
- 4 How to break a spell that is mighty cursed
- 5 Eliminate all that's bad in your life
Breakups happen all the time and they are still painful. There are couples who often resort to love rituals to strengthen their relationship and in many cases, they manage to consolidate their feelings using white magic, but what happens when we resort to a falling in love spell and things ended badly?
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How to break a Spell |
These energies continue to act towards us and it will be necessary to block their effects. Sometimes after breaking up with that person we don't stop thinking about them even though love is over and it seems like we're never going to get our lives back. This could be because there is a spell involved and you probably have not realized that you were the victim of a love tie, but if you are suspicious there are rituals that will help you block its effects.
When a spell attacks
Sometimes we may be victims of negative spells that seek to harm us so that our living conditions can be seriously affected by their influences. When this happens, you must act immediately, in order to definitively stop those harmful spells. This is possible thanks to our timely advice. Our mission is to teach you how to break a spell from home. So you can get rid of those bad energies that don't let you move forward and that hurt you in all facets of your daily life.
Essential guidelines for learning how to break a spell
First of all, it is necessary to know that negative energy often comes from our own thoughts. For this reason, you may not be the victim of a particular spell. Perhaps you are getting carried away by the influence of your bad thoughts, which in fact, can be very harmful if you fervently believe that there is a curse on your person. However, if you are inescapably certain that there is a spell on you, remember the following guidelines for learning how to break a spell:Don't be affected by energies that try to manipulate your mind. To do that, you have to be strong.
Remove all negative thoughts from your being.
Your power is greater than that of the person who bewitched you.
Try to find the focus of trouble, i.e. do you know anyone in particular who can cast a spell on you? Are there reasons for that? If so, you should immediately walk away and take some distance.
Stay away for a weekend to a high place.
How to break a spell with dolls
If you're sure some witchcraft work is on you. Follow these steps:- With a little white felt, make a doll. It's easy to make, just make a ball as the body and fill it with an herb called vetiver. Repeat the same on your head, arms, and feet.
- On a purple candle, you will write your first and last name (do it with the help of a wooden stick)
- Spray the candle with patchouli oil, try to impregnate the entire base.
- Spread a powdered garlic envelope over the doll.
- As you do so, visualize how negative energy comes out of your body.
- Repeat the following "The spell that causes discomfort in me, breaks, amén»
- Put the rest of the candle and the doll in a box, and throw it into the sea.
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Break a spell with dolls |
How to break a spell that is powerfully cursed.
Even if it sounds hard, undoing a curse is easier than you think. To do this, you just need to do the following:- In an outdoor park, visualize four branches of different trees. Preferably, they should be of: oak, willow, elm, and birch.
- Stand under a tree and make a campfire.
- Place them above the smoke and repeat "The curse is undone, the smoke dissolves it, the good in this wood will look"
- Spit each branch and throw them into the fire.
- When your curse is consumed, it will disappear.
Ritual with herbs and rice
The ingredients that we are going to use for this ritual are seven bay leaves, seven olive leaves, seven grains of rice, coarse salt, seven of your hair, if possible seven from the other person, and alcohol.
Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, sprinkle them with alcohol and with extreme caution set it on fire. As they burn, he asks that all evil be released and repeats the following prayer: “That when all these ingredients are burning, their flame will release me from all the evil that I possess. May my thoughts be released, and may my life regain the peace and harmony that it had before this love ”. According to Aroa tarot, this spell is so effective that you will begin to feel its effects on the third day.
Ritual with candles
This spell will be more effective if you do it on a full moon. On a table place three candles forming a triangle. At the top or vertex place a black candle, on the left side a rose and on the right an orange.
Light the incense of your preference and make the smoke bathe the three candles. Have the photo of that person handy and let the incense soak into the image as well and place it in the middle of the triangle. Write on a white paper what you want to achieve with this ritual and put it on top of the photo.
Now light the candles starting with the black one saying: “I light you to free (the person's name) from the evil it causes. I ask you for my freedom to return ”; now light the rose while you say: “I light you in front of the whole cosmos because my action is pure and noble. May this ritual attract love and peace ”;
Finally, light the orange and recite: "I light you to show my gratitude to all the energies of the universe so that they can listen to me and come to my aid" and let the candles burn out.
To finish this ritual collect the remains and store them in a silk bag along with the photo and you must bury them the next full moon in a garden, field, or park.
Get rid of all the bad things in your life
It's important, to raise awareness of something: There is no energy more powerful than the one you attract. Therefore, if your thoughts are surrounded by negativity, you will not be able to move forward. Sometimes bad vibes have a lot to do with our mental power. That is why, first and foremost, you must remain calm and avoid thinking that all the bad things are about you. It is true that we are not exempt from any curse or spell. However, you must be sure that this is so, and if you find out that something bad is about you, you know how to break a spell![]() |
Get rid of bad things |
Here concludes this article about how to break a spell, please continue reading in my website or write to amiraasmodea@hotmail.com if you want me to cast a spell for you
If you want me to cast a spell for you, you can place an order HERE.
If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address amiraasmodea@hotmail.com. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram
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