Agate is a type of chalcedony, therefore it belongs to the quartz family in a certain way, it is composed of millions of crystalline particles that are not crystals in themselves but crypto crystals. The concentric layers of the Agate were formed in gas bubbles formed in incandescent magma or when filled with silicic acid during volcanic eruptions. It usually shows colored rings or rings, twists, ridges, eyes, circles, and even landscapes and scenes in many different colors, each having its own specific vibration.
In the way of the crystals, the first step to enter this kingdom or initiatory is the phase of agate, the initial opening of our materialized soul for the perception of the subjective; it is the first contact with a multidimensional reality beyond matter.
For centuries, as well as being opaque and not transparent like spiritualized stones, Agate has been compared to Quartz and Amethyst, which in fact have components very similar to those of Agate; When putting the Agate towards the light, it can be seen that it is translucent. The natives considered the Agate as pieces of the gods' quarters, full of organic and spiritual vitality. If you look at the shape of the Agates you can immediately think of human cell assemblies.
Acting as a transcendentalizer of man and aligned with the progress of man in his evolutionary spiral, the agate follows human growth and works with men until the very end of the cycles established for this planet occurs and the Great Age of Aquarius begins. , which is already here, in fact.
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Agates |
As human evolves, so do Agates. Every individual can tune in to a special type of Agate that is in harmony with their physical body type or mineral content. We are all an Agate in one form or another because the Agate is actually a key to life that evolves in our world as it exists and has been given to us as a gift to be able to look beyond what we see.
Due to its multiple and multicolored shapes, the Agate has been called "The Sacred Stone of the Astral". The astral world has been described as the 4th dimension, the world of desire; divided into various planes from the lowest to the highest. Everything that exists in the material world is first embodied in a pure idea there; there are both the material forms of the world and the mental forms of people. It is the world of the imaginary and of thoughts, where everything that humans think is recorded there, and feelings, from love to hate and from pleasure to pain are recorded on this plane as an astral force. Thus, depending on human thought and feeling, the different astral planes are fed. The Astral world is the essence of the physical world, a subtle extension of your consciousness. There there are various entities that personify human thoughts and feelings, there angels and demons coexist, palaces of Light and misery on different levels.
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Agates |
The basis of healing lies in knowing how to transform the root of feelings and thoughts in the astral, and in doing so the physical reality is transformed, since the essence of the physical or resides in the astral. All humans have an astral body, which is the emotional body and the mental body where everything that one feels or thinks or has accumulated as belief or philosophy is kept as a vibration.
By transforming a pattern of thought or feeling we manage to heal the physical body, which is the reflection of our other bodies. When the healer or shaman cures a disease, it is because he cured and changed the idea of the physical body in the astral. Most Crystals and Gems lead us to move on these planes or levels but the Agate symbolizes these bodies in themselves: The Astral World.
Due to its multiple colorations, and being a microcosm of the astral world, agate is associated with the world of thought and the imaginary. Contact with this stone makes our vision spiritualized. It opens our channels of perception to other dimensions and our mind to the subjective, allowing us to witness what would be unimaginable for the materialistic mind. The Agate allows us to accept the existence of the subtle world, of the subtle bodies and the interrelation and responsibility of our thoughts and feelings with our physical world.
For archaic societies, the Agate was a magical window open to the world of the Gods, through which they could communicate directly with them.
The Agate has been called: "The Stone of the Gifts"; with it we acquire such spiritual sensitivity that we become capable of identifying and feeling the presence of subtle beings, daring even to approach them. Spiritualizing us, the agate enhances our latent magical capacities; awakens the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, the gift of reading auras, the ability to make astral journeys, the intuition or sixth sense and the premonitory gifts; according to the capacity and soul level of each one.
Being a stone of mostly volcanic origin, the presence of Fire is very accentuated in it and acts as a source of inspiration and creativity. "My name is Legion", is the motto of the agate that awakening the imaginary creates a multitude of new thoughts and ideas, transmits inspirations, and promotes creative impulses. Therefore it is excellent for those who need creativity in their work as musicians, actors, painters, sculptors, ceramists, advertisers, architects, etc.
Agate also stimulates and develops unexplored and unknown facets of our personality, making us aware of them. it makes latent desires come to the surface and awakens the courage and the will to face new experiences. It also stimulates our emotionality and our sexual and loving impulses.
His irregularly shaped patterns and drawings were associated with spontaneity and freedom. The Agate transmits a thirst for freedom and libertarian impulses in our behavior and gives us the ability to use them to the fullest. By opening the imagination, it extends our inner space, broadens our horizons, and transcends our limits, destroying the chains of prejudice and fear.
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Agate Obelisks used on Wicca Altars |
In addition to this, agate gives us a pleasant feeling of inner joy, the fruit of freedom and makes us much more extroverted.
The shadow of the agate is that of converting its wearer into someone excessively dreamer and away from material reality; that is why they should not be used by people who are already very flown or ethereal that the concrete world costs them; best for well-grounded people who need to open their perception.
Sometimes the Agate is found on Earth as an authentic stone bubble, which when cut in half is divided into two cracks, commonly called Bacchus Cracks. An ancient Greek legend tells that every time they break an agate geode or bubble, the Satyr or spirit that inhabits that Crystal is released and stays nearby to illuminate, protect and cheer the lives of those who liberate it and surround it. The Satyrs were tiny hairy little men, half-goat, half-man with horns, like Bacchus, his father; Always drunk, happy, and joking, they lived in the forest chasing beautiful nymphs to satisfy their libidinous impulses.
Agate physically and emotionally has a powerful cleansing effect; Placed on the heart, the agate can cure emotional illnesses that prevent accepting love. Placed on the stomach stimulates the digestive process and relieves gastritis; cures eye, stomach, and uterine problems; cleanses the lymphatic system and pancreas, strengthens blood vessels, and cures skin problems.
This Agate has tubes inside the structure, sometimes empty and sometimes solid, usually, there is an empty space in the center.
It can be used to decrease distractions and to strengthen concentration skills. It allows you to understand the alternatives of a situation and weigh the different options that there are as possibilities. It is good to imagine a life without worries and without anxieties, where one is calm and serene and helps you to stimulate the inner wisdom that you need to acquire this, to manifest it.
It has been used in the crown chakra to move energy from the axis of the spine clearing out dysfunctional energies. It is also used to open channels of communication with beings from other worlds, spiritual and planetary. This Agate activates clairaudience abilities and expands thinking to facilitate telepathy.
The Angel Wing Agate produces communication between the physical cellular structure and the etheric body in a perfect state so that the physical body can repair itself more easily.
It is used for problems of the ears, lungs, stomach, and intestines.
Blue Lace Agate:
It has bands of light sky blue and white, resembling a fine lace. This stone can help you reach extremely high spiritual spaces. Contains the qualities of flight, air, movement, and grace. It has a highly inspiring influence when one uses it to tune into oneself.
It is used mostly in the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra; activating these chakras allows you to enter high-frequency states of consciousness.
On a physical level it can be used to treat arthritic conditions in cases of hereditary bone deformity; also to strengthen the structure of the skeleton. It is very good for treating bone fractures and for the regeneration of some of the feet and hands. Blue Lace Agate removes blockages from the nervous system and body capillaries. It can be used for disorders of the pancreas or pancreatic glands.
The Blue Lace Agate is also used to balance the brain fluid, to treat hydrocephalus the elixir of this stone must be taken. Also, the elixir can serve to relieve irritations in the iris of the eyes, taking it.
Botryoidal Black Agate:
It shows a nodular configuration, which can have holes, orbicular configurations, and feathers.
This mineral can be used to stimulate communication on the physical plane and also with other worlds and with beings from other worlds.
It can also alleviate distractions and bring concentration. It can be used to predict the future and to develop divination skills. It can facilitate clairaudience experiences and has been used to plot and attract spacecraft landing.
It is a stone of peace and Healing, allowing you to go to the center of the earth, to your own center, and to the center of any conflict or issue that you wish to resolve or heal, and initiate self-healing abilities to be able to align with your most state. perfect possible.
It helps us land and takes root while promoting the meditative state. It allows you to contact the etheric energy meridians and remove energy blockages in the emotional and physical bodies.
It can be used to heal the Earth by dissipating negative energy and installing positivity in the hearts of humanity.
On a physical level, it can be used for problems of the intestines, food channels, veins, ears, nose, and throat. And it can be used to dissipate pain of all kinds.
Botswana Agate:
This Agate has colors between gray and purple or pink with interspersed whites, usually featuring circles or ovoid shapes. it is generally found in nodules or cabochons. It comes from Botswana in Africa.
It can be used to stimulate exploration of the unknown and to bring someone into an enlightened state. It increases creativity and allows you to free yourself from pent-up emotions. It allows you to look towards the solution and not get stuck in a problem.
It stimulates the Crown Chakra and energizes the auric body allowing you to recognize Eternal Love as a fluid always present throughout the universe. allows you to be present in what you are doing.
It helps you stay firm and pay attention to detail when you need to do rigorous work where you have to see the complete and specific landscape of things.
It has been used successfully to quit smoking, due to its high content of fire; also for disorders of the nervous system, and to eliminate toxins from the body. Fights poisoning in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies; It serves to relieve tension and stress.
Brazilian Agate:
The Brazilian Agate is translucent and transparent and displays ovoid patterns, circles, geodes in a variety of colors. Many Brazilian agates are dyed, especially those you find in violet or pink, but many have their natural colors.
Each place in the world has its own vibration and this also gives different characteristics to minerals.
The Brazilian Agate has shown itself to be good at activating success in image search and divination.
It gives you immense strength to explore different fields of action and allows you to reach meditative states and make an astral journey projecting yourself in different dimensions to receive different impressions and messages. Cover the bodies with a protective field to make safe astral travel.
It is honored by all shamans throughout South America as a way to and from other worlds. It is said to also connect with the Dervishes' consciousness.
On a physical level, it is used to improve bumps or bruises and sprains. It can give temporary relief to painful diseases, is used for the organs of elimination such as the intestines and the tract, and promotes the production of gastric fluids that ease digestion.
It balances the energies of the heart and stabilizes the pulse and increases circulation. A dyeless Brazilian Agate elixir is used for all of these matters.
Cornaline Agate:
It comes in orange, red, and reddish-brown tones. It is a stone full of vitality that connects with the Earth and anchors us in the present reality. It is full of creativity and fertility giving powers and has the great virtue of cleaning other stones and crystals.
Stimulates analytical and precision capabilities. It allows you to see situations in a perceptive way and awakens your born talents, it has the power to create creative inspirations connecting the mind with other subtle planes where you can enrich yourself with other feelings or visions that will allow you to create here, in this plane.
Protects from envy, fear, rage, and helps dissolve grief in the emotional body. It helps to understand the relationship between your emotions and your physical state. It helps to stabilize the energies in the home and allows you to understand that every time you receive love, when you return it, you will receive it enlarged again.
Cornaline stimulates the search for truth and the creative search, the force of initiative; clearing of your life the indolence, the passivity, and the apathy.
It is used to work the second chakra, but it also stimulates the first, third, and fourth chakra. Increase personal energy, power, creativity, and compassion.
On a physical level, it is used to treat colon, constipation, stimulate metabolism, treat neuralgia, kidney stones, allergies, colds, to treat the spine and pancreas.
It's a specialist for fertility problems, stimulating reproductive capacities, curing frigidity and impotence, and balancing sexual problems or dissolving sexual apathy.
Dendritic Agate:
It appears in transparent and translucent whitish with ramifications that look like natural landscapes, usually from manganese accumulations.
The Dendritic Agate helps us to be kind and walk brightly through the landscapes of life, taking time to enjoy every moment.
It allows you to stay focused on difficult and confusing situations. The clear message of the Dendritic Agate is that in the awakening of your consciousness, you only need to recognize and accept your origins.
It serves to connect you with the natural states of the universe and to establish communication between one's intellectual world and the Kingdom of Plants.
It is a stone to use in the healing of the Earth, stabilizing the center and the energy vortices; and stimulating peace within the structure of the environment that surrounds us.
This Agate can open and activate the chakras, keeping them open and helping to accept and digest higher consciousness.
It is a stone of fulfillment, it attracts our abundance and helps us to complete our life with everything we need. It helps us heal plants and produce healthy and abundant crops. It is one of the cornerstones of the farmer.
On a physical level, it is used to treat all the ramifications in the body, such as the blood system and all its capillaries, the nervous system; the skeleton, aligning the spine, which is what allows the physical sustenance in the world. It also reverses capillary degeneration; Relieves pain in general and dissolves geopathic tension or the effects of telluric lines.
Dry-head Agate:
The dry-headed Agate features coffee branch colors, whites, and oranges mixed into a single stone.
Its energy is conductive to meditative states. It connects us to the universal idea of "Brotherhood", and helps you maintain peace within your inner being.
It gives us patience and helps us to accept the responsibilities, the acts, and the reality that we have created.
It helps you understand that universal energy only lives and recognizes the state of peace and joy, joy. And it helps us understand that not accepting this is what draws us to unpleasant experiences.
On a physical level, it is used to treat colds and allergies and to strengthen the immune system. It has also been used to stabilize psychological disorders. Used in elixirs, it can be applied externally to treat and soften hair and skin.
Fire Agate:
It has an iridescent appearance or leophadic figures due to the presence of Limonite inclusions.
It represents the spiritual flame of absolute perfection. It cancels fear within the deepest part of the Being and provides a protective field capable of returning all negative energy to the source that sends it so that this source learns the nature of its activities.
It also helps us free ourselves from undesirable impulses, that is, things that we want to do but do not align with a higher state of light or consciousness, for example, smoking and all kinds of addictions.
This stone gives us the courage to give the best of ourselves and be the best we can be. Her energy gives an impetus to our actions and helps us to progress and advance in the best of our ways.
It gives us the energy that allows introspection and inspiration. It helps us feel safe and supports us in difficult times.
It favors sexual intercourse, turning on the base chakra and the second chakra.
On a physical level, it heals the problems of the stomach, nervous system, and endocrine system and also helps in circulatory problems. Strengthens the sense of sight: night vision and clear vision, internal and external. It frees the body from excess heat and relieves us from exhaustion or fatigue. Align the chakras and clear the etheric blockages. Energizes the aura.
Moss Agate:
This Agate is transparent or semi-translucent whitish with mineral inclusions that look like moss or vegetal foliage.
It helps you recognize your abilities to be personable, persuasive, strong for life, and effective in all matters. It helps you improve your self-esteem by balancing all the positive characteristics. It helps to see the beauty in everything the eyes see.
It is an effective tool to communicate with the Kingdom of Plants and Minerals. It is used to obtain information on how to heal and stabilize these kingdoms and the Earth. It helps crops and plants grow and is another farmer's foundation stone. Keep pests away and heal if asked to do so.
Among the native North Americans it has always been considered a power stone, they used it to attract clouds and rains for plantations and to balance the climate.
It has been said that it helps and favors the acquisition of wealth and abundance. It is a stone that eliminates slowness and favors the rapid development of things.
On a physical level, it has been used to treat dehydration, eye problems, to cure fungal infections, to cleanse the body of toxins, to heal the symptoms of colds, internal infections, and flu. It is used as an external elixir to treat skin problems, infections, and fungi.
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