
A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Tarot Journey

Tarot reading, a centuries-old practice steeped in symbolism and mysticism, has captivated the hearts and minds of those seeking insights into the past, present, and future. If you're drawn to the art of tarot and are eager to embark on your journey, this comprehensive guide offers ten invaluable tips to help you navigate the intricate world of tarot card reading. From understanding the basics to trusting your intuition, these insights are designed to support and enhance your experience as you step into the captivating realm of tarot divination.

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Basics:

History and Symbolism:

Delve into the history and symbolism of tarot cards. Understand the origins of the tarot, the significance of the major and minor arcana, and the symbolism embedded in each card. This foundational knowledge will serve as the bedrock of your tarot journey.

Tarot Deck Anatomy:

Explore the anatomy of a tarot deck. Familiarize yourself with the major arcana, which represents significant life events, and the minor arcana, which mirrors everyday situations. Each suit (Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles) conveys distinct themes and energies.

Choosing Your First Deck:

Select a tarot deck that resonates with you. Tarot decks come in various artistic styles and themes. Choose one that speaks to your intuition and captures your aesthetic preferences. Popular decks include the Rider-Waite-Smith, Crowley-Harris Thoth, and the Marseille Tarot.

2. Establish a Connection with Your Deck:

Cleansing and Bonding:

Before diving into readings, cleanse and bond with your tarot deck. Some practitioners use rituals like smudging with sage, placing the cards under moonlight, or simply shuffling them with focused intent to clear any residual energies and establish a personal connection.

Daily Draws:

Incorporate daily card draws into your routine. Pull a single card each day, meditate on its symbolism, and reflect on how it aligns with your experiences. This practice enhances your familiarity with the deck and hones your intuitive connection.

3. Learn the Card Meanings:

Start with Key Cards:

Begin by learning the meanings of key cards. Familiarize yourself with the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, and other archetype cards in the major arcana. These cards often carry significant and universal themes.

Elemental Associations:

Understand the elemental associations of each suit in the minor arcana. Cups correspond to water and emotions, Swords to air and intellect, Wands to fire and inspiration, and Pentacles to earth and material aspects. This elemental framework provides a nuanced understanding of the cards.


Explore the role of numerology in tarot. Each card is associated with a number, and understanding the numerological significance adds depth to your interpretations. For instance, the Four of Cups represents stability and grounding, while the Seven of Swords implies challenges and choices.

4. Practice Regularly:

Daily Spreads:

Incorporate daily spreads into your practice. Begin with simple three-card spreads, such as past-present-future or mind-body-spirit. As you become more comfortable, experiment with larger spreads like the Celtic Cross to delve into intricate aspects of a situation.

Read for Others:

Practice reading for friends, family, or even online communities. Offering readings for others enhances your interpretive skills and exposes you to diverse perspectives. Constructive feedback from querents contributes to your growth as a tarot reader.

5. Trust Your Intuition:

Developing Intuitive Insights:

Cultivate trust in your intuitive abilities. Tarot reading is a fusion of symbolism, personal interpretation, and intuition. Allow your instincts to guide you as you weave together the narrative conveyed by the cards.

Personal Connection with Cards:

Notice the cards that consistently draw your attention. These cards may carry specific messages or resonate with aspects of your life. Acknowledge and explore the personal connection you develop with certain cards.

6. Journal Your Readings:

Recording Insights:

Keep a tarot journal to document your readings. Record the cards drawn, your interpretations, and the outcomes. Reflect on the accuracy of your insights over time, identify patterns, and refine your interpretations based on your experiences.

Tracking Progress:

Track your progress and evolving understanding of the cards. Note any recurring themes, symbols, or personal epiphanies that surface during readings. This reflective practice enhances your growth as a tarot reader.

7. Explore Different Tarot Systems:

Oracle Cards:

Expand your divinatory repertoire by exploring oracle cards. Unlike tarot, oracle cards are not bound by a standardized structure. They offer diverse themes, imagery, and interpretations, providing a versatile tool for intuitive guidance.

Lenormand Cards:

Consider delving into Lenormand cards. This system comprises a deck of 36 cards, each representing specific symbols and concepts. Lenormand readings focus on concrete details and practical insights.

8. Deepen Your Symbolic Understanding:

Archetypal Symbolism:

Dive deeper into archetypal symbolism. The tarot is rich with universal symbols and archetypes that tap into collective human experiences. Explore literature, mythology, and psychology to enhance your grasp of these symbolic layers.

Dream Interpretation:

Incorporate dream interpretation into your practice. Many tarot readers find correlations between dream symbols and the imagery in tarot cards. Understanding the symbolism in your dreams can provide additional layers of insight during readings.

9. Seek Guidance from Seasoned Readers:

Mentorship and Communities:

Seek guidance from seasoned tarot readers. Join online communities, attend workshops, or seek mentorship from experienced practitioners. Engaging with a supportive tarot community provides valuable insights and diverse perspectives.

Books and Resources:

Explore books and resources on tarot by reputable authors. From comprehensive guides to specialized topics, such as symbolism or intuitive reading techniques, these resources offer a wealth of knowledge to enrich your understanding.

10. Embrace Ethical Reading Practices:


Prioritize confidentiality in your readings. Respect the privacy of querents and ensure that the insights shared during a reading remain confidential. Establishing trust is paramount in ethical tarot reading.

Empowerment and Positivity:

Frame your readings in an empowering and positive light. Even when addressing challenges, emphasize the potential for growth, learning, and positive outcomes. Your approach sets the tone for a constructive and uplifting reading experience.

Conclusion: Unveiling the Tarot's Profound Wisdom

Embarking on a journey into tarot reading is a profound exploration of symbolism, intuition, and self-discovery. As you navigate the intricate tapestry of the cards, remember that tarot is a dynamic and personal practice that evolves with each reading. 

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About Me

Hi, I'm Amira Asmdodea. I was born in Brazil so many years ago. There I made my first steps in religion and witchcraft. I have learned Wicca in Ireland, Voodoo in Haiti, Gypsy Tarot in Bulgaria, and I have lived for a time in New York, where I had the opportunity to meet the greatest witches of these times. if you want to know more about me, click here to read my full biography. Welcome to my website and Blessings.

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