"There is only an evil that we should fear: what still exists in us." Chico Xavier
"Do not cry to the impotent gods; it’s in yourself where you can find what is needed for his release. Every man builds his own prison".
Umbanda Ritual: a ritual is a ceremonial set of practices in order to organize the environment to perform a task; it helps to group and order thinking in a direction. Umbandas looking for discipline to the medium for a tuning easier and more harmonious with the guides. We, in our current evolutionary state, still need support to direct the mind and our will.
Elements of the umbanda rituals
Ogan: the Ogan is responsible for leather or curimba. It is who plays the drums and sings the songs. The Ogan acts within the magic neutralizing negative energies and by invoking entities. It must be very firm, because your responsibility is great. In more traditional households of "Pure Umbanda", there are no drums and songs accompanied only by clap of hands. The Ogham is located in front of the altar, and nobody should be positioned in front of or higher than the singing.Striped points (Pontos riscados): are graphic symbols which Umbanda entities use to determine their identity, preventing a malicious spirit fool to other components of the temple where this entity manifests. They are represented, usually on the ground or on wood or marble, a pemba (chalk), table using symbols such as Suns, stars, triangles, Spears, arrows, leaves, rays, waves, crosses.
The circle around the point serves to restrict the channel. When he is not drawn this circle it means that channel expands to all of environment.
Candles: candle is a way to have a flame present during the umbanda ritual. When we light a candle, what counts is not the wax, but the fire that burns the impurities of the environment, renewing the air that surrounds us. She works as a psychological lever, waking up extra sensory latent powers. Wrong, confused or scattered thoughts can channel not very positive things or simply not work.
Water: use pots with water where are channeled the energies of Xango Yemanja and other present guides. Pots must remain open with flowers on the side. Kept well covered must be and out of the fridge or filter. Anyone can take it, unless they are a gift to a specific entity.
Characteristics of the umbanda ritual
Barefoot: shoes are seen as unsanitary object, as it is depressed with them all, sometimes debris, rots, etc. Bare feet allow a connection with the Earth element, and a natural outlet of vibrations.
Tobacco and alcohol: the cachaça is an excellent complement for the Elimination of the negative energies in the umbanda ritual. Alcohol provides the medium psychic numbness of his powers, which facilitates the work of the entities, always under the control of the same. The cigarette smoke acts as a destructive agent of heavy loads. Entities not behind the smoke. Today, the umbanda rituals uses more mental strength, but in some places is still used tobacco and rum.
Smoking: is used to control the environment, offsetting the negative energies. Smoke and the smell of herbs are used to dispel these energies. The smoking process must be guided by the guides, because they are responsible for the evolution of the case, giving closure to the work that they began.
Necklaces: it's an energy reserve, both positive or negative. They can be made of natural materials such as stones, pearls, seeds, wood, etc. The guard takes the positive energies of the Guide and passes them to the patient. Then take the negative energies of the patient, and passes them to the Guide.
Variety of rituals
Although we have already distinguished at least seven different between so-called afro-brasilians cults ritual systems, it is still necessary, within the same Umbanda, distinguish various ritual streams.
Spiritist ritual
It corresponds to what some call "Puritan Umbanda" also. It develops in most Spiritualized circles. Here, the orixás are assimilated to spirits of men and there is a strong presence of doctrine kardecian. In general, it appeals not to images or dances.
This ritual includes paddling palms and lots of music, during the sessions are necessarily used white robes. Dances, images, the sanctuaries of orixas are abundantly used. Demonstrations already not are here interpreted as spirits, but rather of orixás.Rhythmic
It is more primitive than the previous ones or "African". In the rite is remarkable the incorporation of elements of percussion that accompany and sustain danceRhythmic and ritualized
It is the ritual of more folk origin. It is strongly influenced by another element of syncretism, the "candomblé". During the sessions, musical instruments are employed permanently, the liturgical robes is strongly colorful, depending on the color of the orixa under whose protection acts.Esoteric or cabalistic
It is strongly influenced by Eastern cults and religions. Its supporters argue that the Umbanda is not a typically Brazilian cult, but the resurgence of an ancient oriental practice almost forgotten; a religion "popular, white and esoteric, whose purpose is the practice of pure charity".Baths in the umbanda rituals
Bath Disclaimer: indicated for cases of saturation of negative energies in the person. Use the positive energy to counteract the negative. Bath of activation: acts on the emotional and spiritual person. Absorption is the Crown Chakra, should therefore be from head to toes.
Red Roses bath: to release energy, to expel negative liquid, identify the points in our aura, so that guards can act.
Bathroom white roses: for positive emissions. The number of roses tend to be 3. You must wait at least 72 hours to make a bathroom.
Coarse salt bath: used to download and it should not be taken by the entire body. Just from the shoulders up to the feet.
In conclusion, the Umbanda, as any religion, has many rituals. All must be respected for a proper functioning of the work. Our guides have good will and have us in the discharge of our duties.
Here concludes this article on umbanda rituals and characteristic elements of witchcraft umbanda. Continue browsing this website to learn more about home rituals, spells and love ties.
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