Alcoholism and alcohol dependence

Some of the health risks that are associated with chronic or heavy alcohol use are: anemia, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, dementia, depression, seizures, drop, high blood pressure, infectious diseases, and damage to the nerves - just to name a few. Over time these conditions, can undoubtedly have serious consequences for health.
White magic to stop drinking alcohol
With this spell, you can banish this bad habit. You will need the following for this spell:- White candle for purity
- Black candle for exile
- Green candle for health
In Waning Moon is a good time to get rid of the things that we don't want in our lives. The Crescent Moon is a good time to draw new things.
For this spell, you don't have to wait for a specific lunar phase. Because what you want is to get rid of a habit, and attract the strength and calm you. If you wish you can use across a full moon phase, first working on one aspect of the spell and then across the other aspect of it.
To stop drinking alcohol, you must understand certain things about yourself and about the habit. Each habit brings a perception of benefit. In general, our perception of the habit brings some justification as "I do it because of the stress, not I realize that this is a problem until I've done it".
In this case the benefit that is perceived is stress relief. It is easy not to blame anyone or simply to blame stress for our behaviors. Before starting the incantation to stop drinking, you should ask yourself; what is what I get when I drink? what are other ways to get this benefit? It analyzes your needs in comparison with the needs of others involved. Is it just? Now ask yourself what you can do to get rid of the habit. You really know everything you need to do to change the habit is to stop drinking. The power is inside of you. Now, do you need something from someone to help you along the way? Maybe you need to let your partner/family/friends to drink with you. Is this fair? Of course that is it! Analyze your needs.
Light the white candle. It attracts the purity of mind and soul to this work. This must be what you really want or will not work.
Light the black candle. It attracts the protection and strength to this work. You need strength to see the truth behind this habit and to leave it once. You need to protect yourself and any negativity that surrounds you.
Light the green candle. It attracts the health of the soul, the mind and body to this work.
Meditate on what you've discovered about yourself and your habit. Display the benefits as they really are. He decides to quit now drinking alcohol.
It shows how change occurs. View how your habit is banished.
During the next full moon cycle, you have to be diligent with yourself. Then is when it will be easier to start drinking again. He sleeps with a quartz and Tiger's eye to help you sleep in peace and to give you strength and protection during the time of weakness that continues to stop drinking.
Here concludes this article on white magic to stop drinking. This spell to stop drinking is very safe to use, powerful and is an effective way to help you in the process of quitting drinking. Control your anxiety and you will free. Continue browsing this website to discover hundreds of spells and powerful rituals, and please share this information on your social networks if you think that would be useful for some friends.
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