
Gypsy magic to fall in love

Many people have asked me to talk a little about this kind of magic. As we know, everyone faces at some point in their life problems to find that special person. After all, when you're looking for your soul mate, your one true love, nothing can be randomly...

That is why that Gypsies came up with these spells and effective love ties. To help the destination to appear more clearly and to pave the way for a beautiful and intoxicating love relationship. We see in depth some Gypsy magic spells for love.

Gypsy magic to attract a lover

This spell of magic to attract love Gypsy when you have someone in mind, but he or she is not as interested as you'd like.

Gypsy magic to fall in loveSitting before a fire while shuts off and keep the gaze upon him, clears your mind of everything, and only concentrate on the person you love. Keep a little basket of leaves of laurel between your knees. Keep staring into the fire, dip your left hand on the basket, take a handful of leaves, and cast them into the fire. As they become ash, pronounce out loud the next Gypsy magic spell to attract love:

"Laurel leaves that are burned in the fire,
It attracts this heart the love that I want."

Wait until the flames have been turned off, and then repeat the incantation. Within 24 hours, your loved one will come to visit you.

Read also: Real Gypsy Spells

To get to know another person

If you like someone who does not seem to realize, then this can help you attract your attention.
First, you need to find its traces on the Earth. Then, dig up this footprint (more precisely, the land where the footprint is printed). Take land and take it to the nearest willow, and making a hole in the ground at its base, put the land of footprint in this hole, filling it again with the original land. While you are burying the footprint in this way, pronounce this gypsy magic spell to bind a man:

"From the Earth to the Earth,
I do get my love to you.
Because he is the flower and I am the stem;
The rooster and I hen.
It grows and grows, old willow!
No more penalties for mi."

Thereafter, you will see that the person who you want will begin to notice you. What happen then? Of course, it depends on you. Let's see more gypsy magic spells for love.

Read: Luck Talisman from gypsy collective

Illuminating shell

To find out if the person you love will become your husband or wife, do the following.
In the morning, as soon as you get up, peel a small lemon. With the skin, get two equal pieces, each the size of a coin. Place the pieces with internal sides together and the sides of the shell out, and put them in your right pocket or in your purse or wallet. Keep them there throughout the day. At night, when you go to bed, take the shell of your pocket or purse and rubbed the legs of the bed with her. Then, place the two pieces of the shell under your pillow and lie down to sleep. If you dream of your love, then surely you get marry with him or her.

To get rid of an unwanted lover

Some people are courted by the persistence of certain would-be lovers, those who do not accept a no for an answer. This is the perfect spell to a situation of this kind. This gypsy spell of magic for love must carry out during the waning Moon cycle - i.e. after a full moon and before the new moon.
Get a crackling fire, then hit the streets and pick up two handfuls of dried leaves of verbena (you can have them placed in the soil before yourself, if necessary). While collecting them, pronounce the name of the person that you want to be delivered. Turn over and enter your house (or go to the fire, if you do the ritual outside) and loose sheets on fire with these words:

"Here's my pain;
Take it and go.
Depart from me now
And not my offense more."

Do this for three nights. You won't have more unwanted news.

Here concludes this article about Gypsy magic spells to fall in love. Please continue browsing this website to discover more spells and effective love binds, homemade recipes for white magic and witchcraft.

If you want me to cast a spell for you, you can place an order HERE.

If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address amiraasmodea@hotmail.com. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram

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About Me

Hi, I'm Amira Asmdodea. I was born in Brazil so many years ago. There I made my first steps in religion and witchcraft. I have learned Wicca in Ireland, Voodoo in Haiti, Gypsy Tarot in Bulgaria, and I have lived for a time in New York, where I had the opportunity to meet the greatest witches of these times. if you want to know more about me, click here to read my full biography. Welcome to my website and Blessings.

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Amira Asmodea