
Love ties with photo and red ribbon

 Hi, my name is Amira Asmodea, and today I will talk about how to make love ties with photos and a red ribbon. Let's begin! 

The love ties where these two ingredients are used, photo and red ribbon, have a clear objective: to unite that person with you. Specifically, the photographs will help us to create that most powerful bond since it will visually represent that person. On the other hand, the red ribbons, which have been used since ancient times, we will use to attract our loved ones to us. This enhances the most intense feelings such as passion and desire. Let's say its power is very similar to spells with perfume. By incorporating a red ribbon to a tie with a photograph, we will achieve that the tie enhances the emotions that that person feels for you, these being more intense. However, it should be mentioned that many times the red ribbons will be used in protection spells.

When to tie with red tape

As I always indicate in my articles, it is important to know when to make a tie with these materials. The elements that we use in spells have a specific function. In the same way, it will be necessary for you to think about how your situation is with that person you want to tie since it will also be to determine to choose the most appropriate tie. With that said, it's time for us to look at the spells I have selected for this post.

Tie the red ribbon so that it does not stop loving you

This mooring must be done on a Friday, a powerful day due to the energetic presence of the goddess Aphrodite. The materials you will need are:

  • 1 red ribbon
  • 1 photograph of your partner in which she appears alone.
  • 1 red pen.
  • Apple vinegar.
  • Honey.
  • 1 wooden box.
  • 1 crystal glass.
  • Water.


  1. We will start this tie by writing with the red pen the name of our partner and yours on top of the red ribbon. As you do so, you should recite the following words: “Aphrodite, you increase and stimulate the passion between us. You know each one of us, each secret, each fear comes from your hands, so I ask that by your intersection my partner (mention her name) wants to be with me (say her name) at all times, in life and in death. I want her to be happy with me every day of her life. So be it."
  2. Now, you will have to mix the water, honey, and apple cider vinegar in the glass while with great concentration you repeat the following sentence ten times: "I am the only person you want."
  3. Dip the red ribbon into the glass for a couple of minutes.
  4. When it is well moistened, it will be time to remove it. You will have to tie it to the photo by making a large knot.
  5. Finally, put it inside the box and put it in a safe place where no one can access it.

Tie to conquer the person of your dreams

When we like someone there is no way to stop thinking about that person. We have her image and her voice constantly in our heads. With this mooring, we will make our loving energies be launched into the universe so that it helps us with our desire. Obtain the following materials before starting the spell.

  • 1 pink candle.
  • Wooden matches.
  • 1 photograph of the person to be conquered.
  • 1 apple.
  • 1 red rose, will symbolize the goddess Venus.
  • 1 white rose, will represent the moon.
  • 1 red ribbon.
  • 2 vases.

How to make this love tie:

  1. Light the small pink candle so that its power illuminates us and helps us generate such powerful and necessary energies. Place it on a table.
  2. Cut the apple in half very carefully.
  3. Place each rose in a separate vase and add each half of the apple to them.
  4. Surround the vases and candles with the red ribbon.
  5. Now, look intently at the flame of the candle while thinking about the person you want to conquer. Ask out loud that the person you want to be part of your life notice you. Then, pronounce the following phrase: "May the love I wish to come true and we will soon be two."

Tie to forget our ex-partner

As much as reason tells us to erase our ex-partner from our lives, it is not always easy, is it? Feelings don't go away overnight. If your desire is to achieve that stability and let that person go, the next tie is the most appropriate.

You will need to:

  • 1 grenade.
  • Knife.
  • Red pen.
  • 1 photograph of the person to forget.
  • Pink candle.
  • Wooden matches.
  • Pins.
  • Red ribbon.


  1. We will start by cutting the pomegranate into two equal halves, thus breaking the past from which we want to disassociate ourselves.
  2. With the red pen, write the name of that person on the back of the picture. Place the folded photograph between the two parts of the grenade, pin it down and close it.
  3. Now, put the fruit near the candle and tie it with the red ribbon while saying the following phrase out loud: «My pain will disappear and love will be reborn in my heart, I seal these words with a knot that enforces my promise."
  4. Light the candle and wait for it to burn out.
  5. Once it has been consumed, take the pomegranate and put it in the oven over low heat until it is dry.
  6. Finally, hide it in a distant place where you will not pass.

Tie to fall in love with red ribbon

What elements will we use for the next love tie?

  • 50 cm of red ribbon.
  • 1 full-body photograph of the person we want to fall in love with.
  • 1 full-body photograph of you.
  • 1 red candle.
  • Wooden matches.
  • 2 grains of white rice.


  1. We will start by making two holes in the photographs.
  2. Next, we will light the candle and recite the following phrase aloud:  From this moment on, this person called (say her name), will approach me and will not be able to stop her desire.
  3. We will put the two images on the table and we will pass the red tape through the holes made in the first step. Photographs must be visible. In this way, both will be united looking outwards.
  4. Next, we will leave this union on the table and we will put one grain of rice after another on the body of that person. Thus, the image of the person to be tied must be face up. Count each grain out loud and say: "Hours do not pass, time does not pass, you stay with me, you do not go with someone else, you are mine and nobody else's."
  5. Leave the candlelit until it burns out.
  6. Keep the rice and the photos in your underwear drawer, you can put it all in a small bag. As for the remains of the candle, throw them away from your home

Red ribbon love tie for attraction

  • 1 small white candle.
  • 1 small red candle.
  • 1 small pink candle.
  • Wooden matches.
  • 1 photograph of the person you want to attract.
  • 90 cm of red ribbon.

How to make this mooring for the attraction:

(This mooring will last three nights)

  1. The first thing we will have to do is cut the tape into three pieces of one foot each.
  2. The first night we will proceed to light the first candle, the red one. We will put it in front of us and next to it the first another red ribbon.
  3. Now we will say the following phrase out loud: «I invoke the powers of fire so that from today on you love me and cannot contain yourself when you look at me.» You must say this thinking about the person you want to tie.
  4. Leave the candle burning for approximately 10 minutes. Then turn it off. For this, she uses a glass vase placed inversely.
  5. Then take the tape and put it on your left wrist and wear it throughout the next day.
  6. The next day at night, we will do the same with the white candle, but this time we will say: "By the power of water and the purity of love, your heart and mine will be united." Let 10 minutes pass, turn it off again, and add this new tape to your wrist.
  7.  On the third day do the same with the pink candle, but this time repeating the following sentence: "There is no power that can stop our attraction, you remain tied to me, now and forever." Light the candle again and after 10 minutes turn it off. Place the third strap on your wrist.
  8. To finish, you will have to wear the three red ribbons on your wrist for 28 days in a row. Don't take them off! When you have achieved your purpose, throw the candles and ribbons into a stream of water.

This last love tie has seemed a bit complicated to do, you can always execute a simpler one accompanied by an explanatory video. In this one in particular you will only need:

  • 1 red candle.
  • 1 red ribbon.

Here ends the article about Love ties with photos and ribbon. I hope you enjoy it! Please follow me on my social networks, ask any questions, and drop any comment!


If you want me to cast a spell for you, you can place an order HERE.

If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address amiraasmodea@hotmail.com. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram

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About Me

Hi, I'm Amira Asmdodea. I was born in Brazil so many years ago. There I made my first steps in religion and witchcraft. I have learned Wicca in Ireland, Voodoo in Haiti, Gypsy Tarot in Bulgaria, and I have lived for a time in New York, where I had the opportunity to meet the greatest witches of these times. if you want to know more about me, click here to read my full biography. Welcome to my website and Blessings.

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