
The seven African powers of love

Hi, my name is Amira Asmodea, and today I will talk about The seven powers of love prayers. Let's begin! 

With the name of the 7 powers, the main deities that make up the Yoruba pantheon are called. These are great and powerful forces of the African religion, that is why it is not surprising that they are known in various regions and countries as the 7 African powers. They exercise sovereignty over various forces or fields of nature such as water from the seas, rivers, fire, earth ... In other words, they rule the elements of the earth, based on these to obtain their infinite power. Do you want to know their names?

Names of the 7 powers of love

  • Obatala.
  • Monkey.
  • Eleggua.
  • Oshun.
  • Oggún.
  • Orunmilá.
  • Yemayá.

Have you heard of any of them? I am sure that if you have read any of my articles, some of these will sound familiar to you. Next, I will emphasize several of these deities of the Yoruba religion. Specifically, those whose main objective is themes related to love. I will indicate several curiosities of each divinity together with a prayer to the gods Obatalá, Changó, Oshun, and Orunmilá.

Obatalá, peace, and harmony

It is one of the seven main prisms of the pantheon. Everything related to harmony, peace, and tranquility is asked of you. It is he who is credited with the origin of most African gods and everything on the planet. He would come to be like the deity par excellence, being the highest authority in this Orisha hierarchy. Its date is September 24, it's number eight, and its multiples. As for the color, it is definitely white. Your weekday Thursday and Sunday.

«Obatala, king of purity, I salute you; The Owner of all White Fabrics, I ask for your complete protection and blessing for me. I praise you, Obatala, I praise the King of the great and sacred grove. I praise the King of all Heavens. I salute the sole owner of the White Fabrics. You are the owner of the White Light, which I serve. You are the Orisha whom I serve. The Owner of the White Light whom I follow. Obatala, Orisha who sleeps in white. Obatala, Orisha who awakens in white. Obatala is in everything white. He is the one who creates everything according to his complete will, I give him my respect. "

Chango, protection

Chango is the king of the Yoruba religion. It is characterized by having justice deeply rooted. It is important to note that he owns the Batá drums and represents joy, beauty, and intelligence. Their numbers are 6 and 4, with white and red as their favorite colors. To make prayers to this divinity, it is important to keep in mind what you want and firmly ask that he listen to us. Next, I indicate the prayer to Chango for love. It can be done to attract this feeling or to regain lost love. Although it also has the power to strengthen relationships. To carry out this supplication, provoke it to be done alone, in a secluded place. This will allow the energy to flow much faster. On the other hand, speak it out loud, clear, and loud. Have true faith!

«Oh, mighty Chango, listen and attend my plea for love. Remember that it has never been heard that any person who has come to you with faith to ask for your protection and implore your help, has been neglected by you.

Monkey! You suffered and died for love, that is why today I turn to you to ask you to put your merciful eyes on me and grant me the request that my heart feels for (say the name of your beloved).

Oh, powerful Chango, now that you know what my heart longs for, I implore you to enter the heart of (say your name again) and do not let him live without my company or love. Look at me and protect me Chango, drive away from the bad thoughts of my enemies towards me. Keep evil spirits away from me, remove all bad vibrations, and bring me that love that I so desire by my side. »

Oshun, love

Prayer to the queen of sweet waters.

One of the most requested in love. Oshun is considered one of the best known Yoruba deities, associated with rivers and the flow of water in springs. Queen of freshwaters, she is the smallest orisha. Her number 5 and its multiples. As for the color, it is yellow.

Oh, great and powerful deity, the most beautiful woman of all and goddess of love. Heed my requests and the request that I make here. Use your great power and prevent (loved one's name) from being attracted to anyone else around them. And if you consider it necessary, send my name.

Oh, mighty Oshun, I want the body and spirit of (she repeats her name again) be for me, that she falls in love only with me and surrenders herself completely. I want him to become dependent on my love, that he cannot be without me, that he wants me, that he believes that there is only me in life.

Oh, great Oshun, I want to possess your heart, I implore you to beat strong for me forever. I hope that in the next few hours her love for me will be born, that (name of that person), cannot spend her life without being by my side.

Deity Oshun, I want the body and spirit of (loved one's name). I ask you to use your power to draw him to me. That you make him love only me and no one else. That she can't get me out of her head.

Oh mighty Oshun, I ask you to bind (that person's name) to my will, to want me with all her love, and to love me as much as I do. Thank you, Oshun, I will never forget that I am in your debt. "

Orunmilá, clarity in the face of obstacles

Holder of the supreme oracle of the Yoruba, Orunmilá, also known as Orula, is the god of divination and the one in charge of helping you in all the challenges of your life. Considered a great benefactor of humanity, its main characteristic is communication. Orunmilá has the knowledge of the secret things of the human being and nature, as well as the accumulated knowledge about the history of humanity. Its colors are green and yellow.

«Orula, I come before you to beg you and ask you to place your gaze before me, so that the brightness and the light of the stars that you have made in the sky, show me the best path for me. (Get on your knees) Let me see and find the happiness that we all need in these ways of mine, which today walk in darkness and with no way out, which is why today I feel desperate. "

Of course, before reciting the following supplications, you must remember that you have to do them with great faith and hope that they are fulfilled. Believe in these deities! To know how to do it correctly, I have prepared the following section of the article.

How is the prayer to the 7 African powers performed?

Before raising your prayer to these African deities, it is necessary to create a conducive environment so that we can better activate our energies and that they arrive quickly.

First of all, put together an altar for these deities. Use a white tablecloth for the altar and place a ceramic or clay plate to place a candle of 7 colors, representative of these divinities. On both sides, you must add the typical offerings that are made to these deities.

  • 1 glass of water.
  • Flowers.
  • Fruits.
  • Brandy.
  • Honey.

Leave them there until they go bad. Once this happens you should dispose of them in a place far from your home.

7 powers of love prayers

Light the candle and recite the following prayer of the 7 African powers. In the end, extinguish the candle and repeat the prayer for 7 nights in a row:

«Oh, 7 powers that are around the Holy of Holies. I humbly kneel before your power box to implore your intercession. I ask you to agree to my request and give me back Peace of spirit and material prosperity, distancing me and removing all the negative energies that torment me. My heart tells me that my request is fair. Listen to me, Chango! Listen to me, Oshún! Attend to me Yemayá! Look at me with good eyes, Obatalá! Oggún don't abandon me! Help me, Orula! Eleggúa intercede for me! Grant me what I ask of you, through the intercession of the Seven African Powers! Ashé. »

Prayer to get love invoking the 7 powers

“With all my heart I implore you to attend to my request with great urgency. Grant me powerful 7 powers that love as a couple comes into my life, that it never leaves and that it loves me. That my offering will come from its honey. I ask you in this sacred moment to fill my spirit with peace. I wish stability, very sentimental. I start with you, Chango, to protect me from my enemies. I continue with you, goddess Oshun, to help me progress. Guide my steps, you mighty Yemayá. Deliver my ways from all evil, mighty Obatala. Never leave me alone Oggún. Orula, give me a full future. Great Elegguá, intercede for me before all. Transfer your great wisdom to him, God Olofín. Cover me with your veil of grace's powerful 7 powers. May the radiance they give off to be my permanent guide. So be it."

Prayer for protection from negative energies

“I invoke in good faith the 7 African powers to come to my house and shield it with protection so that they are always present in my life. Oh, 7 Powers! I invoke and conjure them. You who are the seven divine powers, who have the power and strength of all the saints. I humbly ask that you provide me with protection. I invoke you Elegguá, you who have the keys of destiny, open the paths for me by eliminating obstacles. Deliver me from all evil that appears in destiny and make protection reach us through the four corners. Oh goddess Yemayá, cleanse my spirit. You who are the lady of the sea, cleanse my body, soul, and all my being from evil. Chango, mighty warrior, owner of time and fire, I implore you to destroy every obstacle that prevents me from moving forward. Supreme Saint Oggún, lord of iron, shield me against every action of iron that is undertaken against me. I beg you, King Obatala, that there is always harmony and peace. Give me luck and protection in love, goddess Oshun. Oria ha, the owner of the four winds, sweetens the hearts of all my enemies by transforming them into my friends. Mighty Orula destroys all negative energy and may the universe provide me with protection. O mighty seven African powers, grant me what I ask of you in the name of Olodumare. May the blessings of the Almighty fall upon me, Aché. "

Ritual to open paths of the 7 powers of love

When we want love to enter our life, we want it immediately. We do not realize that we must be with a positive attitude to receive this feeling. So, what better than a road-breaking ritual for love. Also, these spells are perfect to unleash negative situations from the past. Thus, this term refers to changing reality, eliminating the obstacles that we have in our lives, and making things evolve, change for the better. Do you want to do this road breaker spell of the 7 powers? The materials you will need to carry them out are:

  • 1 thick candle of the seven powers. It is a candle that reproduces the seven colors of the rainbow.
  • Sandalwood essence.
  • White paper.
  • Black pencil.
  • 1 white ceramic plate.
  • 1 pin.
  • Wooden matches.

How to perform the road-opening ritual of the 7 powers:

This ritual must be done on a crescent moon and you will have to carry it out seven days a week. On the first day, you will start with the first color of your candle of the seven powers. Every day you will have to get to another of the colors.

  1. The first step will be to write your full name on the candle. Use a pin and write it from the wick to the base.
  2. Next, you will have to record the following horizontally: in the white strip you will have to put peace, in the red one it will be the word love, in the green it will be written protection and in the orange, wisdom.
  3. Now with the essence of sandalwood anoint your name and each of the words that you have recorded.
  4. On paper, write your request. Ask for everything you need so that your life is in harmony.
  5. Now place it on a plate, put the paper underneath, light the candle, and let it burn to the first color. When it is finished, extinguish the candle with a spoon or a glass placed inversely. Never do it by blowing.
  6. The next day, turn it on again and let the next color burn out. So on every day of the week until the last color ends. Try to do this step every day at the same time.
  7. When the ritual is finished, collect the remains of the candle and the paper with your request. Bury it in a pot that you have in your home.

Here ends the article about The Seven African powers of love. I hope you enjoy it! Please follow me on my social networks, ask any questions, and drop any comment!


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If you want to contact me, you can do it through my email address amiraasmodea@hotmail.com. Or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram

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About Me

Hi, I'm Amira Asmdodea. I was born in Brazil so many years ago. There I made my first steps in religion and witchcraft. I have learned Wicca in Ireland, Voodoo in Haiti, Gypsy Tarot in Bulgaria, and I have lived for a time in New York, where I had the opportunity to meet the greatest witches of these times. if you want to know more about me, click here to read my full biography. Welcome to my website and Blessings.

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